This week God once again used Aleks to bring His word to life through our son Aleks.
The past few weeks have been tough. There has been something building in Aleks that we didn’t understand. All we knew is that Aleks has had a heavy heart that has made him a bit more emotional and irritable.His temper has been short and he has had trouble focusing on much of anything. This past Thursday it all came crashing down….he broke and just sobbed in Cindy’s arms. What we found is that he missed Latvia, his friends and all that was familiar to him. All of this really got me to thinking….
I told Cindy that Aleks had a huge amount of faith to leave everything he knew and trade it for a chance to have a family. As I prayed about this God gave me a little insight into my own life…my own journey. How many times have I looked back at my “old life” and wanted to go back. The comfort of the familiar. The fun of life the way I wanted to live it. Yet I traded all that I knew for a new life, a new faith. There are times that I miss some of the old things…but I also know that I have it so much better now. The life I have now is eternal….what I had then was only temporary. The life Aleks has now is so much better than the life on the streets he once knew…but it doesn’t change the fact that sometimes he just looks back and misses all that was so familiar. He doesn’t want to go back to Latvia but he misses it sometimes he says.
Father…that is so like me. I thank You that You know so much better than me and that Life Is Bigger than me. Bless Aleks, ease his longing for the past. Let You love flood over him and change him forever.