I have a friend who has an incredible network of contacts. He thrives on the privilege of introducing people. As he calls it…it’s just “connecting the dots”.
A few months ago, this friend introduced me to another of his friends who is from WinShape International. After our introduction I was invited to go to WinShape and spend the afternoon with him. It was through this meeting that I had the opportunity to share our family’s journey of adoption. Throughout this journey God has moved in pretty incredible ways and has been working to mold the hearts of each one of us for both missions and orphans. How this all fits together is a pretty big vision. After a few hours together of sharing, My new friend looked at me and asked if I would like to go to Haiti with him….”sure, if God will open the doors.” A pretty non committal answer. Haiti? Haiti is one of three places that I have NEVER wanted to visit. The black magic, voodoo and dark spirits which are common place in that country is simply something that I really want no part of…yet there was something deep inside of me that said I need to go. As the days past after that meeting my heart was being pulled to make this trip. I feel like it’s the next step in “connecting the dots” of where God is leading me and our family.
Our original travel dates were postponed which opened up the door for me to actually make the trip…again…”circumstances” were aligning and opening the opportunity.
Tomorrow morning at 10:10am we board the plane to start our journey to Haiti. I will be accompanying a leadership team from WinShape International as they assess projects in Haiti to determine who they will be partnering with in the future to make a difference in the lives of other people. If everything goes well I will be blogging each day while there and sharing the journey.
We appreciate your prayers…