Monday, July 28, 2008

What Life Would Be Like

Here are more good lyrics. These are from Big Daddy Weave and it is the title track of their newest album What Life Would be Like.

I wish I was more of a man
Have you ever felt that way
And if I had to tell you the truth
I'm afraid I'd have to say
That after all I've done and failed to do
I feel like less than I was meant to be
And what if I could fix myself
Maybe then I could get free
I could try to be somebody else
Whose much better off than me
But I need to remember this
That it's when I'm at my weakest
I can clearly see

He made the lame walk
And the dumb talk
He opened blinded eyes to see
That the sun rises on His time
Yet He knows our deepest desperate need
And the world waits
While His heart aches
To realize the dream
I wonder what life would be like
If we let Jesus live through you and me

What if you could see yourself
Through another pair of eyes
What if you could hear the truth
Instead of old familiar lies
And what if you could feel inside
The power of the hand that made the universe
You realize

He made the lame walk
And the dumb talk
He opened blinded eyes to see
That the sun rises on His time
Yet He knows our deepest desperate need
And the world waits
While this heart aches
To realize the dream
I wonder what life would be like
If we let Jesus live through you and me

All our hearts they burn with hate in us
All our lives we've longed for more
So let us lay our lives before the one
Who gave His life for us

He made the lame walk
And the dumb talk
He opened blinded eyes to see
That the sun rises on His time
Yet He knows our deepest desperate need
And the world waits
While this heart aches
To realize the dream
I wonder what life would be like
If we let Jesus live through you and me

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Asking the Tough Questions...

Just what are the tough questions? My initial response is, those questions which you don't want to answer but need to be asked.

We as Christians or we as "friends" don't ask the tough questions much any more. Its the tough questions which hold us accountable, but in today's society of relative truth and flexible morals or we have the right to ask those questions? ABSOLUTELY! Its those people, who will ask the tough questions, that really care about you and me. Sure, some who would ask pointed questions are doing it for their own selfish motives, but they are not asking the really tough questions. The ones that truly matter in life.

Too often today we find ourselves going to someone and paying them to ask us the tough questions, because nobody else is. We have a responsibility to ask tough questions of those close to us, those that we call our close friends and family. Sure, Jesus asked the tough questions of His friends...and others. "Who do you say that I am?" Gulp...I know the textbook answer, I know what you want me to say...but you know reality! Asking tough questions requires an abandoned trust and confidence in another person. Do they have my best interest in mind. Do I have their best interest in mind. For us to answer these requires that we trust them.

  • How are you and your spouse really doing?
  • How is your thought life?
  • Who have you found yourself thinking about lately in a way that's not healthy?
  • How are you managing your/your family's finances?
  • When was the last time you had a quiet time with God?
  • Are you still staying clean from that temptation which can consume you...when was the last time you slipped?
  • What would your kids say their relationship is like with you?

Tough questions spur us on. They keep us on track and focused on the things that really matter in life...our true character.

Who have you given permission to ask you the tough questions?

Who has given you their permission to ask them the tough questions?

If you can't answer either of those questions, its time to go find someone. Someone who can encourage you and spur you onto better things.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Authenticity...keeping it real

What is authenticity. According to it is the quality of being authentic or genuine.

If we as true Christians would only live our life with authenticity, everyday, how different would this world be? If we lived out lives that were genuine and showed the freedom and love we have in Christ. Wow...people would look at us, not for us, but for the God who made us and loves us. Sure, we live different lives with different people and in different places, but why? Okay, yes, we are told not to offend...but we don't compromise who we are and our faith to prevent offending another. And, yes again, there is a time when our life should offend others. Jesus was called a stumbling stone because he caused some, who were confident of the path they were taking, to stumble and re-evaluate that path. We should never look down at another person for who they are or the life they have become entrapped in, for we, if we are honest, have been there too in one form or another.

My point, and the challenge to myself, is to live a life that is authentic. One that reflects an authentic relationship with Jesus...every day. A life that causes others to stop and question what is different. A life that is consistent each day. Not a hypocritical life...because we all make mistakes. We all have struggles. We all have relationships which challenge us and push us to what we think is our limit. But through all of this garbage of life...we still live with a hope that is eternal. A personal relationship with THE God who knows us and loves us intimately...that is real...that is authenticity. That is the freedom we are given which allows us and calls us to pursue the passions planted deep within us.

Think about it...are you, am I, living loud the authenticity and passion we are called to live?

I guess it's time to start encouraging one another to turn up the volume!

Monday, July 21, 2008

When blogging with Windows Live Writer...

ALWAYS make sure you have the "auto-save" feature enabled. This feature is found in "Tools" - "Options" menu. A very simple click can save a bunch of FRUSTRATION when you go to open a draft you have been working on...and didn't click "Save" before closing!

Just a can do what you like.

Saturday, July 12, 2008


Does it bug you to look into a mirror that is dirty, a mirror that has finger prints, smudges, toothpaste splatter or a thousand other things that just make a mirror nasty? But when you clean much better and brighter things look! It gives you a whole different outlook and you feel better about yourself because you can see yourself...and you look better than you did previously. (before you cleaned the mirror) Now if your really ambitious, clean the light fixtures and replace the burned out light bulbs. The world now looks entirely different. The good and the bad is exposed for what it really is. No distortion due to dingy lighting or smudges and streaks on the mirror.

Today while mowing the lawn I began thinking about the reflection of my life. I was listening to Steven Gibbs via podcast talk about Reflecting Weakness and Reflecting Generosity. The truth of the matter is I do a pretty messy job of reflecting God to others. There are splatters of anger and frustration. Smudges of mis-communication. Many times I just neglect changing the burned out lights and continue with my life in less than adequate light. I have to say that my reflection too often is humanness. I would like to think it's God but self gets in the way. Its time I step aside and reflect who God made me to be...and who He WANTS me to be.

What I would like to reflect:

  • Authenticity - not a front of who I would like you to see but who I am day in and day out.
  • Love - a love unexplainable except from God. A selfless enduring love for God, my family and others.
  • Strength - the strength from knowing God as my Father and being His beloved son whom He has empowered with a life to live for Him.
  • Generosity - one who gives and serves others without expectations and exceeds his family's expectations. No, not empowering or spoiling but blessing others.
  • God - through the changed life He has given me and the changes He continues to make in my life. Yeah, I know that this should be first but everything else is not possible without Him. God is the fulfillment and total summary of life.

In the book of Ecclesiastes 12:13-14

Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgement, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil.

What am I reflecting? I know what's clouding and distorting my reflection of Christ. What's on your mirror?

Father, cleanse me and purify me...forgive me for trying to live this life the way I want to rather than how  You want me to. Clean my reflection so that only You can be seen. May Your Spirit have free reign in my life and flow to those around me. May what I reflect change the lives of others...for You!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Making a Difference...

Are you making a difference? Am I making a difference?

How many times have you caught yourself asking that question? In life...we just want to make a difference, but how? When you think about it, everything we do makes a difference. Sometimes its for the positive...others its for the negative. We ask ourselves at work if we are even making a difference. We see the dilemma of others lives and we wish we could make a difference. We see hardship around us and we say how we would like to make a difference if only we could. Many times we make our actions conditional. See if any of this sounds familiar; If only I had more time, I would love to be a small group leader for some students." "I start making more money I would like to help out that person/family/mission or charity." "If I had more I would give more." "I will be nice to them when they are nice to me." The list just goes on endlessly...

This really just comes down to a choice...are we going to make a positive difference in the lives of other people. Its a choice that evokes action. Every one of us has the ability to make a positive difference with what we have. It may be just a little time, a few dollars, a couple of encouraging words, an appropriate touch or a listening ear. We have what it takes and it is within our control.

Mark 12:41-44

The Widow's Offering
41Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. 42But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins,[j]worth only a fraction of a penny.[k]

43Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. 44They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on."


What is your mite?

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

An Experience with God...

I heard this song last week and the lyrics grabbed hold of my heart. I am sure I have heard the song a number of times before...but never really "heard" the words. These are pretty strong…and bring back thoughts of experiences which many of us have gone through with God. For others its an experience which we long for, a true "one on one" experience with God. One that we cannot walk away from without being changed.

My prayer is that He will once again prepare us for a God Experience with Him.

Lyrics from Sanctus Real…Whatever You’re Doing

From the We Need Each Other release

It's time for healing time to move on
It's time to fix what's been broken too long
Time to make right what has been wrong
It's time to find my way to where I belong
There's a wave that's crashing over me
And all I can do is surrender
Whatever You're doing inside of me
It feels like chaos but somehow there's peace
It's hard to surrender to what I can't see
but I'm giving in to something Heavenly
Time for a milestone
Time to begin again
Reevaluate who I really am
Am I doing everything to follow Your will
Or just climbing aimlessly over these hills
So show me what it is You want from me
I give everything I surrender...
Time to face up
Clean this old house
Time to breathe in and let everything out
That I've wanted to say for so many years
Time to release all my held back tears
Whatever You're doing inside of me
It feels like chaos but I believe
You're up to something bigger than me
Larger than life something Heavenly
Whatever You're doing inside of me
It feels like chaos but now I can see
This is something bigger than me
Larger than life something Heavenly
Something Heavenly
It's time to face up
Clean this old house
Time to breathe in and let everything out