Does it bug you to look into a mirror that is dirty, a mirror that has finger prints, smudges, toothpaste splatter or a thousand other things that just make a mirror nasty? But when you clean much better and brighter things look! It gives you a whole different outlook and you feel better about yourself because you can see yourself...and you look better than you did previously. (before you cleaned the mirror) Now if your really ambitious, clean the light fixtures and replace the burned out light bulbs. The world now looks entirely different. The good and the bad is exposed for what it really is. No distortion due to dingy lighting or smudges and streaks on the mirror.
Today while mowing the lawn I began thinking about the reflection of my life. I was listening to Steven Gibbs via podcast talk about Reflecting Weakness and Reflecting Generosity. The truth of the matter is I do a pretty messy job of reflecting God to others. There are splatters of anger and frustration. Smudges of mis-communication. Many times I just neglect changing the burned out lights and continue with my life in less than adequate light. I have to say that my reflection too often is humanness. I would like to think it's God but self gets in the way. Its time I step aside and reflect who God made me to be...and who He WANTS me to be.
What I would like to reflect:
- Authenticity - not a front of who I would like you to see but who I am day in and day out.
- Love - a love unexplainable except from God. A selfless enduring love for God, my family and others.
- Strength - the strength from knowing God as my Father and being His beloved son whom He has empowered with a life to live for Him.
- Generosity - one who gives and serves others without expectations and exceeds his family's expectations. No, not empowering or spoiling but blessing others.
- God - through the changed life He has given me and the changes He continues to make in my life. Yeah, I know that this should be first but everything else is not possible without Him. God is the fulfillment and total summary of life.
In the book of Ecclesiastes 12:13-14
Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgement, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil.
What am I reflecting? I know what's clouding and distorting my reflection of Christ. What's on your mirror?
Father, cleanse me and purify me...forgive me for trying to live this life the way I want to rather than how You want me to. Clean my reflection so that only You can be seen. May Your Spirit have free reign in my life and flow to those around me. May what I reflect change the lives of others...for You!
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