What is true love? This is one of the most written, talked about and sought after topics of all history. Google will quickly verify this point because if you were to Google Search the term "True Love" you would return nearly 59 MILLION results on the web. Everything from Discover Health and Christian Answers to thousands of blog posts on the same topic. There are songs, movies and books all chasing "the true love".
Let me stop here and make it clear that I am in no way an expert on this subject. But what follow is simply my observation in life. I read about it in the Bible but it never clicked until I read a book by Gary Smalley and John Trent.
Love is a decision...
Stop and think about it, read everything you can find, look at the life of Christ, look at every relationship you admire and think is an example of true love. You will find at the core...Love Is A Decision!
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