Sunday, September 28, 2008

Why did Adam Freeze...Why do I Freeze

In the garden Adam choked. The Tempter had come to Adam's completer...his helpmeet...his wife - and started feeding her a line of half truths. Deceiving her with twisted truth...subtly attacking her. Adam stood there by her side and froze...he choked when it mattered most! His wife, his future family, his entire future as well as his relationship with God was under attack...and he stood there watching and waiting to see what would happen.

Guys, I don't know about you, but that is one of my biggest fears, that I would not rise to the occasion when I am needed. We dream about being the hero, the one with super powers, the warrior (as God created us men to be) who comes to save the beautiful woman and the cause he is fighting for. There is not a story or a movie worth the paper its written upon if there is not a hero, one who saves the day and does what is right. Yet, deep within, we struggle with this. When we are faced with an opportunity to really stand up for what is right, to stand up for one who needs us, to stand up for our church or for God...all too often we freeze while we over analyze the situation. Yet other times we are simply so caught up in ourselves and what WE are doing, that we don't even notice there are others in need around us. Yet still other times, we let our agenda be our excuse that we just don't have time for that now. God created us to be warriors and deep down we long to be that...but we fall short. Maybe we fell short as a young boy when we first tried to stand for what was right and we were shamed by others back into a corner. Maybe it was as a young man standing up for another and in turn being emotionally wounded by that person. The list of possible circumstances goes on and on...but the result is the same...we failed and were wounded because of it. But it doesn't just stop there. Once we have that wound, that failure to act, the Accuser just keeps pounding us with that and keeps us passive. He keeps us from stepping out and risking again for another, or maybe for ourselves. We begin to accept those lies, those accusations...we begin to make agreements with them that they are true. But they are not! Jesus came that we might have life and have it more abundantly!

Not too long ago I was in a situation where my wife was at risk of getting hurt because of the thoughtless "fun" of others. In a moment she was caught up in it and scared...but I froze...I did nothing! Another man nearby stepped in and stood up for her...but where was I? a moment we had a garden scene all over and once again there stood Adam doing nothing and remaining silent. This whole scene struck me like and arrow in my heart and I tried to regain some credibility and position after the fact when tempers started to flair, but where was I when I was really needed. I could have prevented this whole thing or at least interceded at the beginning and protected my wife. I have yet to fully figure out my excuse...but that's irrelevant. Let me also say that the accuser has pounded me with this relentlessly and not let me forget what I did (or didn't do). Mentally and spiritually I was not on my game, but I am aware of that now. I am aware of the Adam within me, and I believe in all of us. I am sharing my wound because I also want to share my healing process...the healing you can have too. Its not over, but now that I recognize it and where it comes from I can be on guard for it. I am letting God, my Heavenly Father heal it. I need His affirmation that I am a man and that I have what it takes. I am letting Him heal me and awaken that warrior within me...the seed that He planted within me.

Father God, heal me and affirm me. I break the agreements that the Accuser has whispered in my heart. Make me the warrior that You designed me to be...

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Did Adam Sin First?

Ok...I got your attention, but hear me out. I have been contemplating a thought over the last few weeks and am going to try to flesh it out for you.

In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve were blessed and given the responsibility to to look over everything. Was part of that was also to protect the two trees from which God said not to eat from? Adam was the one who had been given that charge to not eat from the two trees, directly from God, because at the time, God had not created Eve according to Genesis 2. There were a few choices associated with that responsibility; move far away from the trees and stay far away from the trees, build a wall of protection around the trees to keep from getting close to it and thus protecting all of humanity, or just continue on with life...and become used to it until it is just another part of their life which they don't even think about. (After the fall of man we see that God chose to protect the trees with his own warrior who was armed with a flaming sword to keep humanity from falling further and eating of the Tree of Life)

Beyond that we know what happened shortly the next chapter, the Tempter came and tempted Eve. He deceived her with half truths...but where was Adam? RIGHT NEXT TO HER! Now, as Satan so subtly swayed Eve's thinking by twisting the truth ever so slightly, what did Adam do...NOTHING! He stood there like a paralyzed idiot. I don't know what had him so enraptured that he couldn't think, speak or act...but here is where he failed. He stood there and did nothing. Like way to many of us today, he just stood there at Eve's side watching and waiting to see what would happen...but what was he created to do? He was created in the image of God...a Warrior who can not be in the presence of sin, yet Adam did nothing when sin came into his presence. Sin came to steal Adam's completer, his helpmate...God's crowning creation. Adam failed to do what God created him to do...and so Eve fell. She then turned to Adam and gave him to eat of the forbidden fruit as well...but had Adam already fallen? Had Adam already sinned by not obeying and living out what God had created him to do? Had Adam already sinned because he had not passed on to Eve exactly what God said about the Tree of Good and Evil? Eve's response to the serpent tells us that Adam had at least communicated the instructions to her, but he failed to protect her.

Just another random rambling thought...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

When it Matters Most

Why is it that we have our worst fights, disputes, intense disagreements, or whatever else you want to call it, when it matters most?

I mean come on! It may be a vacation, an anniversary, birthday, Christmas, Thanksgiving or some other important time...but how many times are these special times when we have the greatest rift with those closest to us? I realized recently that the Thief has done way too good of a job of stealing the joy out of these occasions. Scripture is clear:

Jesus said... 
The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.
John 10:9-11 (

Do you see that! The Thief comes to steal...steal our joy! That's the first step to killing our spirit and then destroying our life.

At risk of being too open, this has happened blatantly twice this year to my wife and I. The first was our anniversary get away. What was to be a quiet, romantic, relaxing retreat away turned in to a time of silence and distance. Why?....I couldn't tell you. I only remember that it was some words which were twisted and not received anywhere close to what their intended meaning was. (Most of the fault lies with me...stubborn pride!) The second time was recently when we as a family got away for a working vacation. A few days at the "happiest place on earth"...were not so happy. Once again when a relaxing time away which was destined for fun and bonding...was twisted into a time of silence and distance. Yes, same song different dance...words were twisted and not received as they were intended. (Once again...the fault lies with me..Ouch!)

What is the lesson here? THE THIEF COMES TO STEAL! He is out to steal our joy. By stealing our joy, he quickly turns a time which would refresh, restore and strengthen us...into a time that absolutely wears us out. No peace...just pain. No joy...just frustration, anger and stress. Once again our expectations are crushed...and we begin to second guess whether we should even have expectations. The negative begins to take center stage. The doubts begin to rush in. The accuser is relentless...until we pray. Put down the pride and ask for forgiveness. Its painful...and extremely hard. There is a certain comfort that comes from embracing our pride. But its time to step back and look at the big picture.

Wow...when it matters most the thief tries his hardest. When it matters most we cannot let our guard down. When it matters most we must be vigilant so that we can enter into that time of rest, relaxation and enjoyment with those who really matter most.

When it matters most...fight the thief...not those you love.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A Glimpse of Heaven

A few weeks ago I had the privilege to go to Night of Joy with my family. It was an incredible two nights of some of the best Christian artists. The entire event took on a different atmosphere knowing it was a bunch of God's children coming together to just have fun and praise Him. Yes, the artists were great. Yes, the sound and production was great too. But none of these compared to the hour plus we sat just pouring our hearts out in praise while Chris Tomlin lead us to the throne.

It wasn't Chris, it wasn't the sound, it wasn't the lights. Yes, the songs were part of the glimpse, but it was Gods people unashamedly and un inhibited just worshiping. In the row in front of us was a young girl, in her early 20's I presume. This young lady had no care or awareness that anyone was around. In her heart and mind it was just her, Chris and God. Even now as I recollect the experience, I feel a lump in my throat. Her absolute un abandoned worship was moving. It left me in silence unable to utter a sound. I cannot wait to see her again one day in heaven and listen to her sing.

No, she did not sing like a bird. Truth be known, she couldn't even come close to finding the tune. She had a two or three note range, but her heart and love just poured out of her mouth. To many, they would look down on her and discredit her because she is mentally handicapped. This young lady was in NO way handicapped...she was freed to worship. She had a communion with God that radiated from her. Her childlike faith was innocent and real. Our family could not have been in a better place in that stadium area. We were all moved and changed because of that experience.

I believe that night I saw a glimpse of heaven and just how true and authentic that worship will pretense...just authenticity. If this is what heaven is going to be like...I may be struck with silence and awe.

May we make a joyful noise to the Lord...

Monday, September 22, 2008

Fight for It

This just fits...

Today I am going to post from a series of devotionals that come from Ransomed Heart Ministries. This series of devotionals are all excerpts from books written by John Eldredge.

Fight For It

Be kind, for everyone you know is facing a great battle.
A true community is something you will have to fight for. You’ll have to fight to get one, and you’ll have to fight to keep it afloat. But you fight for it like you bail out a life raft during a storm at sea. You want this thing to work. You need this thing to work. You can’t ditch it and jump back on the cruise ship. This is the church; this is all you have. Without it, you’ll go down. Or back to prison.
Suddenly all those “one another’s” in Scripture make sense. Love one another. Bear one another’s burdens. Forgive one another. Acts of kindness become deeply meaningful because we know we are at war. Knowing full well that we are all facing battles of our own, we give one another the benefit of the doubt. Leigh isn’t intentionally being distant from me – she’s probably under an assault. That’s why you must know each other’s stories, know how to “read” one another. A word of encouragement can heal a wound; a choice to forgive can destroy a stronghold. You never knew your simple acts were so weighty. Its what we’ve come to call “lifestyle warfare.”
We check in regularly with one another, not out of paranoia (“Do you still like me?”), but in order to watch over each other’s hearts. “How are you doing?” But be careful about what you are looking for from community. For if you bring your every need to it, it will collapse. Community is no substitute for God. I left our annual camping trip absolutely exhausted and disappointed. As we drove home, I realized it was because I was looking to them to validate me, appreciate me, fill this aching void in my heart. Only once in ten days did I take time to be away with God, alone. I was too busy trying to get my needs met through them. Which is why community cannot live without solitude.
Waking The Dead , 199, 200 )

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Peace Wrapped with Anxiety

Peace wrapped with anxiety is a complex concept but an all too realistic one. Just look around, at church, our family, our community, our country and our world. It's crazy! How many times have you found yourself mumbling, 'what next'? I know that I do it. Nobody knows what tomorrow will bring. Not the weather guru's, not the financial analysts, not the political analysts, not our best military experts...we just don't know. Things change at a moments notice and a new factor moves to the forefront. All of this creates a bit of chaos...which leads to anxiety.

Anxiety left unchecked...leads to fear. If you don't believe me just go to your local gas station and sit and listen to people. If you live in Metro Atlanta you will understand and you will quickly find that if there if there is gas when you arrive, it will be gone soon. Now just watch and listen to people, their anxiety melts into fear as the pumps slow due to reaching the bottom of the tanks. You quickly realize that each person is out for themselves as they move into protection mode and fear creeps in. I found myself in this same camp as I went from station to station looking for gas and wondering when my car would stop because I was running on fumes.

I am reminded over and over of 2 Timothy 1:7 (NKJV) "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." Back in June I blogged about that. (If you want to read that you can click here)

Now here comes our part, as believers. We have an opportunity to live out Grace with those around us. We have an opportunity to let Peace rule our life. We have a peace that passes all understanding and that peace resides somewhere deep within us. As we live out our live with authenticity in this world of chaos we can also choose to let God's peace reside within us. As we walk with the faith that God is in matter what, we may find that our peace is wrapped with anxiety. But at the core is peace, though we are living in a world of chaos. But is it really chaos? From our perspective it is, but God is still in control. Once we come to grips with this, we then can move to sharing Grace with those around us. Grace...transforming grace.

Monday, September 1, 2008

The Warrior

Excerpts taken from The Way of the Wild Heart by John Eldredge:

"Our God is a Warrior because there are certain things in life worth fighting for, that must be fought for. He makes man a Warrior in His own image, because He intends for man to join Him in that battle." (pg. 140)

The assumption is that whatever else a man might be, he ought to be a fighter. I noticed this assumption in the rosters of the tribes of Israel as they came out of Egypt. The families and clans are arranged and numbered as fighting men (Numbers 1). And remember - these are not trained soldiers, but runaway slaves. I doubt any of them had held a weapon in his life, yet it is assumed that if he's a man, he's a fighting man. Given who and what he is , Scripture assumes that a man acts, a man intervenes. Passivity has no place in the lexicon of true masculinity. None. And to overcome passivity, God has set His warrior heart in every man." (pg. 146)

How often have I, have we, simply suppressed that urge to fight for what is right, fight for another person who can't fight for themselves or is too weary to fight? I often listen to that subtle voice that says "it's not your issue...let them work it out on their own". This morning while reading, The Way of the Wild Heart, I began to understand that the urge to fight or stand up for what is comes from God. He is the one who put that warrior heart in every man, but too often we suppress it or minimize it to the point it no longer makes a difference in our life...just as Satan intended it to be! God didn't create us to look the other way. He has created us and called us to fight for righteousness, for truth, for all that is good.

The next subtle voice says "you can't fight, you don't know how, your not equipped to do this". There may be a sliver of truth in that, but I was encouraged to see that God expected his men to fight...even if they had no experience. Scripture assumes that a man acts and a man intervenes. Yes, my heart and mind goes back to how much stronger we would be as men if we were part of a fellowship of men.

Don't stop reading now...

Am I advocating violence and Yes, there are times when we need to physically stand in the gap and intervene as with the abuse or physical assault on a child or another person. Our battles are not all physical. (Read Ephesians 6:10-12) Sometimes the most powerful and long lasting results are achieved through the medium of ink and paper. For example, Martin Luther did not sit by passively but rather posted his 98 Thesis on the door of the church. The warrior heart within him could take no more and he stood up and changed the world...for which we still enjoy the benefits of today.

As we see those around us, our friends, our families, our church leaders, our co-workers, our nation being attacked...we need to stand up in the gap and fight for them. What a symbol and example of love...the passionate love of our God.