In the garden Adam choked. The Tempter had come to Adam's completer...his helpmeet...his wife - and started feeding her a line of half truths. Deceiving her with twisted truth...subtly attacking her. Adam stood there by her side and froze...he choked when it mattered most! His wife, his future family, his entire future as well as his relationship with God was under attack...and he stood there watching and waiting to see what would happen.
Guys, I don't know about you, but that is one of my biggest fears, that I would not rise to the occasion when I am needed. We dream about being the hero, the one with super powers, the warrior (as God created us men to be) who comes to save the beautiful woman and the cause he is fighting for. There is not a story or a movie worth the paper its written upon if there is not a hero, one who saves the day and does what is right. Yet, deep within, we struggle with this. When we are faced with an opportunity to really stand up for what is right, to stand up for one who needs us, to stand up for our church or for God...all too often we freeze while we over analyze the situation. Yet other times we are simply so caught up in ourselves and what WE are doing, that we don't even notice there are others in need around us. Yet still other times, we let our agenda be our excuse that we just don't have time for that now. God created us to be warriors and deep down we long to be that...but we fall short. Maybe we fell short as a young boy when we first tried to stand for what was right and we were shamed by others back into a corner. Maybe it was as a young man standing up for another and in turn being emotionally wounded by that person. The list of possible circumstances goes on and on...but the result is the same...we failed and were wounded because of it. But it doesn't just stop there. Once we have that wound, that failure to act, the Accuser just keeps pounding us with that and keeps us passive. He keeps us from stepping out and risking again for another, or maybe for ourselves. We begin to accept those lies, those accusations...we begin to make agreements with them that they are true. But they are not! Jesus came that we might have life and have it more abundantly!
Not too long ago I was in a situation where my wife was at risk of getting hurt because of the thoughtless "fun" of others. In a moment she was caught up in it and scared...but I froze...I did nothing! Another man nearby stepped in and stood up for her...but where was I? a moment we had a garden scene all over and once again there stood Adam doing nothing and remaining silent. This whole scene struck me like and arrow in my heart and I tried to regain some credibility and position after the fact when tempers started to flair, but where was I when I was really needed. I could have prevented this whole thing or at least interceded at the beginning and protected my wife. I have yet to fully figure out my excuse...but that's irrelevant. Let me also say that the accuser has pounded me with this relentlessly and not let me forget what I did (or didn't do). Mentally and spiritually I was not on my game, but I am aware of that now. I am aware of the Adam within me, and I believe in all of us. I am sharing my wound because I also want to share my healing process...the healing you can have too. Its not over, but now that I recognize it and where it comes from I can be on guard for it. I am letting God, my Heavenly Father heal it. I need His affirmation that I am a man and that I have what it takes. I am letting Him heal me and awaken that warrior within me...the seed that He planted within me.
Father God, heal me and affirm me. I break the agreements that the Accuser has whispered in my heart. Make me the warrior that You designed me to be...
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