Friday, March 11, 2011

Friday Night Lights


Friday evening has become one of our favorite family times together. At sundown (or thereabouts) we pause to light the candles and take a moment to pray together. It’s a time when we just relax together and hang together on purpose. It’s a time of laughter. A time of sharing a great meal together. A time of sharing and encouraging one another. It’s our Sabbath time.

The term "Sabbath" derives from the Hebrew Shabbat (שַׁבָּת), "to cease", which was first used in the Biblical account of the seventh day of creation (Genesis 2:2-3). Observation and remembrance of Sabbath is also one of the Ten Commandments found in Exodus 20:11 and Deuteronomy 5:12. God’s point is to just stop…and rest. In our modern day and age this is nearly impossible and rarely done. The elements of just pausing…unplugging…and rest.

For those of you who serve on Sunday’s…what day to you set aside to rest with your family? I don’t know that any of our family members would trade this new tradition away…we look forward to it all week.

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