Tuesday, April 26, 2011

People or Potential


This morning I have been wrestling with a question that you might find interesting to ponder for yourself. It will require some honesty within your spirit as you press through this…

Which is it that draws you to people…them or their potential?

Is it people we love or their potential?

The quick answer of course it that we are drawn to people…and it’s the people that we love. But now peel back a few layers.

If you are like me, there are some people that I am drawn to and strike it off well from the beginning. I enjoy being with them because of who they are (or are posing to be…yes, I just said that). I take them at face value and enjoy all the attributes about them.

Now there are others when we meet they are not so impressive. Their poser masks are so heavy they are slipping off their face. They really don’t want anyone to see inside them and begin to see who they really are…because they know, and they don’t like it. Fear of rejection, betrayal, being used, being hurt yet one more time….these are the glue that keeps those masks on. Yet, if we take time, we begin to see glimpses of who that real person it. Their glory if you will, begins to peak out and we get excited about who this person really is and can be if they were to take off the layers of masks. We begin to see the incredible potential this person has if they will just step into their glory and be all that God created them to be.

But wait…this is also where the flesh begins to fight to take over. When we begin to see the potential this person holds. The potential to help us make money. The potential to introduce us to someone we want to meet. The potential to get us into a place we have always wanted to go. The potential to get something from them…the potential for this person to help satisfy our own selfish desires…

3 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves,4 not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. 5 In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus:

Philippians 2:3-5

I now circle back to my original question…what is it that draws you to people…the person or their potential? What is it that draws me to people?

I believe that it is both…the person and their potential. When Christ came to earth to begin His physical journey of redemption, He saw us for who we were….and died for all that we can become! He came to seek and save that which was lost. He came to give us life…and give us life abundantly! He came to save us from our sins where we are but came to set us free from our masks so that we can become all that He created us to be!

Today…I will try to look at people differently. To see them with a pure heart and not a selfish heart. To accept them for who they are and help them to unlock and see all that they can become…

1 comment:

Jess said...

So I have been thinking about his question for a while. Sometimes is that I see people's potential of who they can be through Christ but get my heart broken. The first time this really happened I finally figured out what God was trying to teach me. He was teaching me about his heart for us, and when people reject him. That was three years ago and I still see people's potential and my heart breaks for them. I just finished reading Velvet Elvis, if you have not read this, you need to. But, reading this book made all of these feelings go from subconscious to my conscience thoughts.