Friday, March 25, 2011

Update from Haiti

It was just four and a half months ago when we were last here in Port au Prince, Haiti. When we arrived last November we had no point of reference in which to bench mark our experience. It was unlike anything that our team had ever experienced. The images and experiences were almost numbing. The hopelessness seemed to permeate many of the communities and could be seen in the eyes of most. The young children were an exception because there was still hope in their eyes…


The past few days have shown us a different Haiti. One that is beginning to percolate with hope…a people who are starting to get their dignity back as they find ways to make a positive difference in their communities. There is a visible difference in the streets and through the city. Much of the rubble and trash which blocked the roads has been removed. There is evidence of the tent homes being replaced with temporary and short term housing.

Yes, our focus this trip has been to connect with local business people who are looking to grow their business so they can employ more people and help their communities break the cycle of poverty. We are networking with people who care deeply about this country and its people. For the most part the businesses we have seen are trying to meet a need within their community with the meager means they have available. The question this week is how to we (we = the businesses, churches, ministries and mission organizations) empower these business people to use their businesses for transformation. Transformation of people, communities and a nation.


There is hope…and you can see it in the eyes of the people. In just a few short days there will be a new president announced for the country of Haiti. This will usher in a new administration and a new senate…a new opportunity for a fresh start. There is a feeling of hope for the future…and we know that there is hope. There is hope as people find the truth of Christ and the freedom that He offers. There is a groundswell of faith moving toward and paving the way for revival in this county.

Continue to pray for the people of Haiti. Continue to pray for the foundation and reconstruction of Haiti. This country has the opportunity to for a “do-over”, a chance to rebuild the infrastructure, economy and the future of the people. A chance to build a country that shines bright as an example of God’s love, hope and freedom.

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