Thursday, March 31, 2011

God of Wonders


This image is taken directly from the NASA site gallery of the Hubble Space Telescope images. It is the sharpest image of the Orion Nebula. When you look at the high resolution version of this image…you are left with simple amazement and wonder.

There are times in life when we just need to pause and soak in the wonder of God. The pure majesty of The Creator and His creation. The awe of beauty and vastness leaves no room for big words…simply wow! And as we dig into the vastness of His creation we are overtaken with the complexity and detail of each piece, and yet He cares about each sparrow that falls from the sky…and SO much more for you and I. But how do we reconcile this love for us from The Creator of all? Simply, with the faith of a child.

Does it answer all of the questions we have? Nope…and as a child we don’t need to have all of the questions answered, we just know that His love is pure and true…and something that we both desire and need. Embrace His love and be forever changed. Challenge Him to show you His love in a very real way like you have never experienced before and then be willing to embrace that love. Trade that heart of stone for a new heart.

God of Wonders by Chris Tomlin

Lord of all creation
Of water, earth, and sky
The heavens are Your tabernacle
Glory to the Lord on High
God of wonders, beyond our galaxy
You are holy, holy
The universe declares Your majesty
You are holy, holy
Lord of heaven and earth (2X)
Early in the morning
I will celebrate the light
And as I stumble through the darkness
I will call Your name by night
God of wonders, beyond our galaxy
You are holy, holy
The universe declares Your majesty
You are holy, holy
Lord of heaven and earth (2X)
Hallelujah to the Lord of heaven and earth (3X)
God of wonders, beyond our galaxy
You are holy, holy
Precious Lord, reveal Your heart to me
Father holy, holy
The universe declares Your majesty
You are holy, holy, holy, holy
Hallelujah to the Lord of heaven and earth (6X)
Lord of heaven and earth
Lord of heaven and earth
Early in the morning
I will celebrate the light
and as I stumble through the darkness
I will call Your name by night
God of wonders beyond our galaxy
You are holy, holy
The universe declares Your majesty
You are holy, holy
Lord of heaven and earth
Lord of heaven and earth
halleluiah to the Lord of heaven and earth
halleluiah to the Lord of heaven and earth
God of wonders beyond our galaxy
You are holy, holy
Precious Lord reveal Your heart to me
Father holy, holy
the universe declares Your majesty
You are holy, holy, holy, holy
halleluiah to the Lord of heaven and earth
halleluiah to the Lord of heaven and earth
halleluiah to the Lord of heaven and earth
halleluiah to the Lord of heaven and earth
halleluiah to the Lord of heaven and earth
halleluiah to the Lord of heaven and earth

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Every Life has a Story

This is a stand alone message…a very simple yet powerful message from a company committed to making a difference in the lives of other people.

Thank you Chick-fil-A.

Every Life has a Story…are you listening?

Monday, March 28, 2011

Balance of Recovery–when good becomes bad

My recent time in Haiti has given me a bit of a paradigm shift. It’s really easy to go an visit a place like Haiti and come up with a list of things that “they” need to do to turn things around and build a strong village, community, city or country. It’s easy to be a sideline coach or a backseat driver. Often we are even willing to put together teams to go in and fix what we see as the problems which need to be fixed. For years much of missions and humanitarian aid has been a go and fix mentality…but is this really how we need to do this? Guys, just ask your wife if she wants you to fix her “problems” which she often tries to tell you about. You laugh, just as I, because we know that this is not what she always needs or wants. There are times when we need to just slow down, listen, identify, listen, study, listen, analyze, listen and then help formulate a solution together that is practical and effective. Many times the situation is much more complex than we first perceived. The past five days have given me a much different perspective to the opportunities and challenges in Haiti. Recovery is a fragile balance between good for today and good for the future.

In the hours, days, weeks and months following the redefining event in Haiti on January 12th, 2010, aid began to flood into the country of Haiti. This aid was needed and motivated by the magnitude of the tragedy and suffering. It’s from a world of people and governments desiring to help. Prior to January 12, 2010, Haiti was one of if not the poorest country in the northern hemisphere. A country who’s entire GDP (gross domestic product) was only about 7 billion. Not exactly a thriving economy but one that was working to improve. The average worker made about 85 cents (American conversion) per DAY. Yes, this is less than we pay for a single cup of coffee or bottle of Coke per day. There were doctors, builders and those buying and selling in commerce. But today, being a doctor, a pharmacist, a merchant or business owner…is a more difficult thing than before. You ask why? Think about this…if you are a doctor, how many patients come to see you when medical treatment is still being given for free to anyone who desires it. If you are a pharmacist, who is going to buy medicine from you when the relief organizations are giving it away for free. If you are a merchant, who is going to buy from you if the food, tools and materials needed for living are once again being given for free to those who ask. If you’re a business owner, how long can you survive with no business? How long can you keep your employees when there is nothing for them to do and you have no income? These are the very real and very tough questions that must be asked. We met business owners who have gone over 6 months without an order and heard stories of doctors who are being asked to continue to give free treatments to all patients nearly a year after the earthquake. How is the doctor to continue to buy supplies or pay their staff?

Just a few more thoughts to consider. Currently the NGO’s are purchasing the majority of their supplies from outside of Haiti and bringing them into the country. Up to 80% of the money being spent by the UN is going to staff and workers who are not Haitian. There are NGO’s who are going outside the country to hire middle manager positions rather than hire the people of Haiti. 60% of the funding for the Haitian government is being provided by other countries, yet it’s not being spent on goods and services within Haiti or provided by Haitians.

If small and medium businesses are the backbone of the economy of a country then the current good deeds in Haiti have turned bad. The opportunity to rebuild Haiti and provide for its people is huge but there must be a shift in thinking and procedures. It is time that everyone, who has a stake in the future of Haiti, come together and map a plan to lasting and sustainable recovery. The government, the utilities, the communications industry, the NGO’s, the small/medium businesses, the medical professionals, the education professionals and others must come together and learn about each other and what goods and services they can obtain from one another. It’s time that the NGO’s and government organizations make a commitment to spend a minimum of 80% of their budget inside the borders of Haiti. It’s time that Haitian businesses and workers are turned to first for supplying goods and services. It’s time that marketplace leaders outside of Haiti step up and partner with one or two Haitian business people so as to help them grow and expand their business. By growing these as well as new businesses we can begin to break the chains of poverty one person at a time…one community at a time. Providing a job not only provides the ability feed, clothe and protect a family…it restores dignity and hope. Teaching a skill provides long term independence and builds valuable contributing citizens.

For the good of the people of Haiti, its time that we teach trades, agriculture and business skills…and its time to start spending the aid dollars within the boarders of Haiti.  The good intentions that have turned bad must once again be turned back for good.

As I said last week, Haiti has the incredible opportunity for a “do-over”. The opportunity to build a strong infrastructure, a strong government a strong education program…a healthy nation with a strong and growing economy. IT IS A CHOICE…are we going to help build a dependent nation or a skilled nation with pride and strength…or does that scare the nations of the world?

Are we truly sharing all of the love and freedom that Christ offers?


(Remember…this blog is just my rambling thoughts and opinions which are not necessarily endorsed by anyone else.)

Friday, March 25, 2011

Rebuilding Haiti

Today is the first ever conference bringing together both Haitian business leaders/owners and the active NGO’s working here in Haiti. (NGO = Non Government Organization – i.e. The Red Cross, World Vision, The Salvation Army, Compassion International) There are 150+ business owners and over 30 NGO’s in the same room talking about rebuilding the communities here in Haiti! Saying that this room is filled with passion…would be an understatement. It’s a room filled with opportunity, a bit of frustration and a lot of hope. This conference was the brainchild of Partners Worldwide and a HUGE congratulations goes out to them for making this happen.


This project was over six months in the making but is bridging years worth of miscommunication. The real test will be what happens starting tomorrow as we begin to see if the relationships and understanding that is being forged today continues through tomorrow. The sad fact is that today there are tens of millions of dollars from the NGO’s being funneled out of Haiti to other countries for the procurement of products and services which could be obtained here in Haiti. The breakdown is two fold. First most NGO’s don’t have the time to slow down enough to find out what goods and services are offered here locally. Many times they don’t have time because they are under time constraints to complete a project in a short amount of time…which is something totally foreign to most cultures. Very few countries in the world run on the instant expectations which America runs under, so to tell a Haitian business person that they have only a week to respond to a RFP (request for proposal) is a task that makes no sense. The second major obstacle, once again a communication issue, is that the local business person has no reliable way to know that a RFP is issued and respond to it both in a timely and accurate fashion. Today many of these issues are being surfaced and worked through. In addition the business people have the opportunity to show their goods or services to the NGO’s attending.

Overall, today is a moment in history which has the opportunity to change the future and bring opportunity, life and hope to the people and economy of Haiti.

Thank you to the underwriter organizations which helped make this possible.

Update from Haiti

It was just four and a half months ago when we were last here in Port au Prince, Haiti. When we arrived last November we had no point of reference in which to bench mark our experience. It was unlike anything that our team had ever experienced. The images and experiences were almost numbing. The hopelessness seemed to permeate many of the communities and could be seen in the eyes of most. The young children were an exception because there was still hope in their eyes…


The past few days have shown us a different Haiti. One that is beginning to percolate with hope…a people who are starting to get their dignity back as they find ways to make a positive difference in their communities. There is a visible difference in the streets and through the city. Much of the rubble and trash which blocked the roads has been removed. There is evidence of the tent homes being replaced with temporary and short term housing.

Yes, our focus this trip has been to connect with local business people who are looking to grow their business so they can employ more people and help their communities break the cycle of poverty. We are networking with people who care deeply about this country and its people. For the most part the businesses we have seen are trying to meet a need within their community with the meager means they have available. The question this week is how to we (we = the businesses, churches, ministries and mission organizations) empower these business people to use their businesses for transformation. Transformation of people, communities and a nation.


There is hope…and you can see it in the eyes of the people. In just a few short days there will be a new president announced for the country of Haiti. This will usher in a new administration and a new senate…a new opportunity for a fresh start. There is a feeling of hope for the future…and we know that there is hope. There is hope as people find the truth of Christ and the freedom that He offers. There is a groundswell of faith moving toward and paving the way for revival in this county.

Continue to pray for the people of Haiti. Continue to pray for the foundation and reconstruction of Haiti. This country has the opportunity to for a “do-over”, a chance to rebuild the infrastructure, economy and the future of the people. A chance to build a country that shines bright as an example of God’s love, hope and freedom.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

CrossFit and Faith

Recently my brother-in-law and his wife started a CrossFit gym in the area. Of course we as a family have been to the gym several times to support them as well as to learn more about CrossFit and the principles of it’s training. This morning I was thinking about my workouts this week and realized…wow, the parallels are huge between my workouts and my faith walk. Here are a few of the things I have been reminded of this week.

Faith takes vision to see what can happen or what you can become…as with CrossFit. “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” Both the task of working out and walking in faith require us to have a vision of what could become if we step into our glory and be all that God created us to be.

CrossFit will take you into areas you wouldn’t go by yourself…as will faith. I don’t know about you but unless I have a trainer or someone who is going with me in this journey, I wouldn’t just go there by myself. Lack of discipline, maybe. Lack of knowledge, in part. Inability to put all of the pieces together on my own, absolutely. The CrossFit program will take you into an area with techniques and skills that are proven to work. It’s not uncharted area. The walk of faith is the same thing. There is a multitude of saints who have gone before us and found the results of their journey to be beyond their wildest expectations. Faith takes vision…the ability to see beyond the reality of today. Sometimes this is the ability to see beyond the image in the mirror to what we can become.

CrossFit will lead you past the point of quit to see that you are stronger than you thought…as will faith. I’ll be honest, I would have quit half way through each of my timed work outs. Not because I wanted to be a quitter but simply because I didn’t believe I could make it to the end. If I was doing these alone, I might have pushed myself but when the pain began to take over and my head is saying “bail..bail now, you’ve done enough”…I would probably listen to the voice and stop. Stopping short of realizing that I am actually strong enough to finish. Yes, 60% of the way through the workout my body is screaming at me but when I finish there is a huge sense of accomplishment and pride that I actually finished. Here is where the principle of a cord of two or three is stronger that a cord of one. When we work out together or with a trainer we can be lead past the point of “quit” to realize we have what it takes. Walking the journey of faith is exactly the same. When we walk our journey with others, even if only one or two people, we will be stronger and be able to push past those points of quit when the enemy is screaming that we don’t have what it takes. Remember, God created you and me, NOT the accuser. God knows how He created us and knows He has prepared us for the journey He has called us to. This takes faith.

CrossFit will leave you uncomfortable but not broken…as will faith. A good trainer will leave you uncomfortable but will not push you to the point of breaking where injury occurs. The journey of faith is tough. There will be times of discomfort…and times of extreme discomfort. One thing I do know is that The One who calls us to this journey of faith, He will not crush us or allow us to be broken.

If you are in the North Atlanta area and are interested in learning more about CrossFit, may I suggest you contact either Jonathan or Heather at CrossFit North Alpharetta. Or just click on their logo below…



If you would like to talk more about this journey of faith called life…let me know and I would love to share my story with you.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Direction & Decision

bw trail split

All throughout life we are faced with decisions and those decisions will determine the direction of our future. There are many voices that try to reason with us to tell us what way we should go. There are many who try to influence our decisions and our life. Others seem to know what’s “best” for us…but do they? Who are they listening to so they know what is best for us?


There are times when we just stop and listen and we find that God is telling us to just STOP…PAUSE…WAIT…and rest. This is a bit confusing at first, kind of like pulling up to this intersection pictured below.


Pause…Stop…Wait…But this is so contrary to what our society has taught us. We move at the speed of technology and rarely pause to sleep. What will others think if we just hit pause on our life and unplug for a short time…or even for a few moments? What will happen if people can’t reach me? What will we miss…or what will we miss if we DON’T. These are questions I have struggled with and even said…but truth be known, God has it all under control. What He longs for and what we need more than anything it to just stop and listen for His voice. To seek after Him. To let Him give us rest and refresh our souls. Once we do this we may find that in our refreshment and renewed strength we can see the path so much clearer and think through the decisions in front of us.

Right now I am at one of these crossroads. God has said PAUSE. It’s uncomfortable but through this I have realized just how tired I was and how much I needed the rest. I look forward with great anticipation and expectation as to what God has ahead for both me and my family. Seeking His next assignment is frustrating at times, but those are the times when I put my expectations in myself and not Him. What the future holds is exciting even though currently its not clear. God’s incredible faithfulness and tremendous provision has sustained us for the past two months and I don’t expect Him to stop till he get’s me where He wants me…and my family where He wants us to be.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Friday Night Lights


Friday evening has become one of our favorite family times together. At sundown (or thereabouts) we pause to light the candles and take a moment to pray together. It’s a time when we just relax together and hang together on purpose. It’s a time of laughter. A time of sharing a great meal together. A time of sharing and encouraging one another. It’s our Sabbath time.

The term "Sabbath" derives from the Hebrew Shabbat (שַׁבָּת), "to cease", which was first used in the Biblical account of the seventh day of creation (Genesis 2:2-3). Observation and remembrance of Sabbath is also one of the Ten Commandments found in Exodus 20:11 and Deuteronomy 5:12. God’s point is to just stop…and rest. In our modern day and age this is nearly impossible and rarely done. The elements of just pausing…unplugging…and rest.

For those of you who serve on Sunday’s…what day to you set aside to rest with your family? I don’t know that any of our family members would trade this new tradition away…we look forward to it all week.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Passion…what’s yours? will break it down as:

  • any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling
  • a strong or extravagant fondness, enthusiasm or desire for anything: a passion for music
  • the object of such a fondness or desire: Accuracy became a passion with him.

What is your passion? What motivates you? What are the deepest things in your heart that just won’t go away? What could you not think of going the rest of your life without experiencing ever again?

For some their passion is dancing. For others it’s being debt free or technology. For some it’s writing and others it’s reading. For some it’s accumulating money, cars, homes, jewelry or clothes. For others it’s giving all these things to others who need them more than we do.

Is religion your passion? Family? Work and/or career? Philanthropy?

Now consider this…where did your passion come from? Yes, I’m asking a lot of questions today but I believe these questions lead us down a path of knowing our heart. When we get to the end of that path and face what is really in our heart…what do we see? My bio says: A passion for God which I am learning. A passion for my family with which I am truly blessed. A passion for people which is growing. A passion for missions which won't go away. And a passion for coffee which fuels my life. These are truly at the core of my heart. The things that bring a smile to my face and drive me each day. And from these core passions comes and unrelenting desire to make a difference in the lives of other people…but isn’t this what we are supposed to do everyday anyway?

Is it possible that the core passions you have in your heart were placed there by the God who created you…and knows you more intimately and perfectly than anyone on this earth? Yes! The things that make you come alive…your passions…were placed there by The One who loves you passionately and desires you to use YOUR passions to make a positive difference in the lives of other people for Him. Your passion is His passion for others, meant to be lived out by you. And your passions are on purpose different from the passions of others.

~ PAUSE ~ none of this makes fully any sense without knowing personally the God who created you. The God who desires you to know Him intimately. The God of all creation who wants to walk with you daily and to show you how incredibly wonderful He made you! He made you with a purpose…one that is YOUR purpose…but one that only you can step into.

My core passion it to bring hope to those who need it most. Whether this is helping orphans see that there is hope beyond the reality of what they see or through helping others break the chains of poverty. Helping others see the hope within them and helping them to connect to The One who placed that hope within them…this is my passion…this is what fuels my life.

The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy. But I have come that they might have life…and have it to the full. (John 10:10 NIV) 

Passion…what is yours?

What is God asking you to do that He has planted in your heart?